If you are a business owner in Dallas, regardless of its size, security needs to be a priority. You don’t pour tons of effort into growing profits and brand recognition every single day only to have it whisked away thanks to inferior locks. Even with insurance to back you up, losing important assets, be it products, documents or cash, can be devastating. It feels like you have to start from scratch all over again. Rather than letting a break and enter get the best of your business, call (972) 693-1868 to take advantage of Advanced Locksmith’s top-rated commercial locksmith services.
At Advanced Locksmith, we know just how hard you have worked to build, grow and promote your business in the Dallas area. That is why when you choose us to be your commercial locksmith, we will do everything in our power to keep your business secure. For a free quote on our commercial locksmith services, contact us today.
Key Fob Systems For Your Dallas Business
A key fob system is an electronic lock and key system, similar to the keyless systems of modern vehicles. They have become very popular in industries with many different levels of personnel working under one roof.
The ‘fob’ is a small ornament small enough to fit on a keychain. The access device reader near an entrance scans the fob. The device reader will grant the any authorized fob entry by unlocking the door.
The key fob entry system is an extremely simple and secure solution for all kinds of industries and properties. They’re common for parking garages, offices, laboratories, or other facilities which have many restricted areas.
What are the benefits of the key fob system? The fob key system is significantly safer than manual lock-and-key systems. How so? A lost, stolen or misplaced fob can be deactivated immediately. Locks don’t have to be changed to prevent a break-in, and the person who lost their fob can simply be provided with a new one.
The key fob system is also very cost-effective. Fob replacement is much more affordable than standard key replacement, and there is never a need to change the locks if a business is worried about the lost fob being used for unauthorized entry. Like we said, a lost fob can simply be deactivated!
What Can A Commercial Locksmith Do For You?
First and foremost, Advanced Locksmith can provide your Dallas business with security. It is our priority to make sure your company’s privacy and assets are protected at all times. We can guarantee this by:
Staying Up-to-Date on New Technology
Commercial locksmiths have to be up-to-date on the latest in lock and key technologies. Some businesses need keyless entry or even fingerprint technology or barcode scanning to gain entry. By doing our very best to stay current on the latest technology, we can assure that your business is being protected by state-of-the-art technology.
Keyless entry systems also allow for selective entry. By programming a keyless lock system to your businesses’ specifications, you can restrict room access to select key-holders without having to worry about different keys.
Industries that have embraced state-of-the-art keyless entry systems include:
- Research labs
- Industrial facilities
- Warehouses
- Large offices
Installing New Locks
If you have purchased a previously owned building or you have just parted ways with a problematic employee, it is essential to invest in new locks for your business. Having keys to your place of work circulating in the hands of people that do not work for you is unacceptable and downright risky.
Locks also might need to be replaced eventually. Extreme heat, cold, rain, and snow can cause serious lock damage over time. Advanced Locksmith knows a reliable lock system from an unreliable one. We will gladly inspect your locks and only replace them if necessary.
The locks on your building might no longer be suitable for the kind of business you are running. Maybe your business has expanded faster than you expected, or it has simply changed directions. The kind of locks you need in your building depends on lots of factors, including door type, the desired level of security, and the amount of use they receive.
Lock technology is constantly evolving, and we don’t expect you to be up-to-date on all the latest advancements. After all, locksmithing is our job—not yours!
If you are ever curious whether your locks should be updated or not, give us a call.
Repairing Locks
Accidents happen. Things break. And yes, this includes keys breaking in locks as well as new technology breaking down or a faulty mechanism inside older locks. No matter what type of lock you use to keep your business secure, give us a call as soon as it stops working. Right when you call, Advanced Locksmith will send one of our commercial locksmiths to you to fix the problem as quickly as possible.
We understand that for every minute you spend locked outside your office you are losing valuable time and money. You can’t afford to lose a day’s work and you certainly can’t afford to break and replace a window just to stay operational.
Installing Safes
Sometimes, even the most advanced locks can’t keep committed intruders out. In the unlikely event that someone gets through, you can have peace of mind knowing that your business’s biggest valuables are locked within a safe that no one can get through.
Contact Us Today
For all your commercial locksmith needs, call (972) 693-1868 or and let Advanced Locksmith ensure your security.